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Digital Economics & Policy In Focus

OECD (2021), “Tools for trustworthy AI: A framework to compare implementation tools for trustworthy AI systems”, OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 312, OECD Publishing, Paris.

As artificial intelligence (AI) advances across economies and societies, stakeholder communities are actively exploring how best to encourage the design, development, deployment and use of AI that is human-centred and trustworthy.

This OECD Report sets out a framework for comparing tools and practices to implement trustworthy AI systems as set out in the OECD AI Principles. The framework aims to help collect, structure and share information, knowledge and lessons learned to date on tools, practices and approaches for implementing trustworthy AI.

The Report finds that:

• AI policy discussions have moved from principles to implementation. Several stakeholder communities are actively exploring the best ways to encourage the design, development, deployment and use of AI, to maximise its benefits while minimising risks. The challenge is to ensure that the outcomes of AI systems promote shared wellbeing and prosperity while protecting individual rights and democratic values.

• Efforts to implement trustworthy AI exist but are scattered. Many tools, instruments and structured methods to facilitate the implementation of the OECD AI Principles exist and are being developed to help AI actors. However, information about these tools is often sparse, hard to find, and often detached from broader international policy discussions.

• AI actors need a common framework to compare tools for trustworthy AI. This includes collecting and disseminating concrete tools, practices and approaches under a common framework that is accessible and allows for comparability.

• The OECD framework of tools for trustworthy AI identifies relevant tools for developing, using and deploying trustworthy AI systems. Tools are classified according to systems’ specific needs and contexts.

• Based on the framework, a regularly updated database of tools for trustworthy AI will be built and made accessible to all.

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